# Debugging

Whenever something goes wrong there will always be an explanation in the developer console, although this can be short and provide little insight. This page will help you understand what's going wrong and where.

# Verify ownership

# Couldn't obtain user id!

If your user id couldn't get obtained it could be for two reasons:

  • You aren't logged in. Log into an account.
  • An unexpected error in roblox studio. Try again if this occurs.

# Couldn't obtain universe id!

This occurs when you use the plugin in an unpublished game. Use the plugin in a published game for it to work.

# Couldn't query our servers!

This could happen for three reasons:

  • Requests to romonitorstats.com has been disabled.

    1. Goto Manage Plugins

    Manage plugins button

    1. Find RoMonitor and click HTTP Requests

    Disabled HTTP request

    1. Enable requests to romonitorstats.com by ticking the box.

    Enabled HTTP requests

  • Our servers are down. Although this is rare, it can happen, check status.romonitorstats.com to see if the servers are down, if they are then please wait until they come back online.

  • Issues with your internet connection.

# Couldn't obtain your api key!

This happens when you try to install the SDK into a game that you haven't setup on romonitorstats.com

# Installation

# Script injection is not allowed on this plugin, please enable it!

This happens when the plugin doesn't have permission to edit scripts, we need permission so we can automatically update our scripts.

  1. Goto Manage Plugins.

Manage plugins button

  1. Find RoMonitor and click Script Injection.

Disabled script injection

  1. Toggle Script Injection so that it's green. Enabled script injection

# Script contents couldn't be found!

Whilst updating the SDK's scripts it couldn't find the contents for one, please send an email to [email protected]

# Couldn't fully retreive data

Whilst updating the SDK's scripts it couldn't find all the information needed, please send an email to [email protected]